November 15, 2010

And the Award Goes To......

Happy Monday! It's super gloomy here and is making me feel all Eyore inside!

I have plans to go downstairs and look at the Christmas decor today. Not to put it up just yet, but to make an honest assessment of what's there. And what I might need.

I really wanted an update to our 9 year old Christmas decor this year, but couldn't start from scratch.

Hopefully, next week, I'll be sharing some fun ideas of how you can perk up your decor without breaking the bank.

The plan is to decorate next kids have ALL week off of school. ALL WEEK? I don't ever remember that happening! Oh well. I think we'll try and pass the time by putting up the tree.

If you're thinking of a similar time frame...maybe consider looking through your decor this week, so you have a better idea of what you might need.

And here's a toughie....but I'm determined to do it....


I don't know what makes me feel so guilty about throwing away a tacky Santa decoration that old Mrs. So-and-So gave us as a neighbor gift 4 years ago. But I feel like she'll haunt me if I throw it away. Even though I would NEVER put it out!

And I even feel guilty getting rid of things that I DID use at one point....just in case I might want them another time.
What is that mentality?
Like they might stay around so long that they'll come BACK in style?

Give yourself a reasonable amount of space to store your decor in.  And if it isn't fitting....get rid of some things!  Don't expand into housing things you don't have room for.

And now, without further adieu...

Here are the 2 winners of the Announced Greetings & Digital Design giveaway......


"It's so hard to pick just one, but I *think* I like Snowstorm best. The sample names used on the cards are cracking me up!"


I am a follower now! Love your blog!

Congratulations to both of you!  You will be getting an email shortly so you can get started on your cards!

If you didn't win....that's okay! Announced has over 30 holiday card designs that you can order for your cards this year. You can order and check out through PayPal right from the site!  And....when you checkout....if you enter "FROSTING15" in the "notes to seller" will receive a 15% refund.

Announced would love to help you with your Holiday greeting cards for this holiday season. And keep them in mind for all kinds of events. Baptisms, Parties, Baby Announcements.....they also offer custom blog design, logo design, and just about anything you can come up with.

Their custom canvas artwork is an AMAZING gift for the Holidays! Take a regular photo and turn it into art! Great Idea!!

***all christmas orders must be received by friday december 17th for existing designs and monday december 13th for custom orders (including custom canvas)***

Have a great day! And congrats to the winners!


  1. I put my Christmas up last week! And I regret NOTHING!! I'm on a huge garland kick this year and have been making all sorts of garlands like krazy! Looking forward to your fun holiday ideas!

  2. Ellie...I realize you're SUPER busy but can you come to my house and decorate for Christmas. I actually wanted to put my tree up TODAY, yes TODAY, but I need different decorations. Please? Pretty Please?? =)

    I can't wait to see what you post about decorations. I'm always looking for ways to not 'break the bank'. HA!

    that's all....

    the end

  3. I am totally opposite of you. I throw too much out. I can't stand excess stuff in my house! In fact, I asked KC if we could donate our books to the library now that we have ipads. He wasn't too keen on that. But why keep them? so if you need me to throw away some of that old Christmas decor, i will, just let me know :) and did you know that KC and I haven't had a Christmas tree? As far as we go with Christmas decor is a candle - holiday sented. Hopefully that will change when we have a more permanent living situation! So I'll be looking at your tips next week, just living vicariously through you!

  4. I'm totally with you on the paring down. I realized a couple years ago we had more Christmas decorations than all the other holidays combined! Too much stuff to hang on to for just one month! So, I'm trying to use things I can easily get rid of or easily store- like slipcovers for throw pillows- last year we got rid of two rubbermaid totes full of stuff- it feels great!

  5. Wow! I won! Thank you so much for the oppurtunity!! I will check my email shortly..

    And yes I so need to go through and pare down, not just on decorations but on everything...

  6. I Loooove that picture and saying with Will. That is so cool!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**