January 3, 2011

2011 things I have to do.....

Hey LCMF readers.  (I feel cool having an abbreviation.  Give me a break!)

I hope you all enjoyed AMAZING holidays and a wonderfully happy New Year celebration.

At our house we have been partying up to the very last possible second.  Including a 4 day vacation to Grandma's house for the New Year.

Man was it fun!

Man were our games awesome!
(have you tried Blurt or Curses?  Crazy fun, with my awesomely crazy family!)

Man is my new hair-do cool.    
(Imagine this Rhianna do.  But on a 30 something Mommy who wants to be cooler and thinner than she is!)


Man was my super secret Christmas present a SUPER COOL SURPRISE!!
(hopefully look for better blog photos to come....any of you smartie pants photographers wanna give me lessons?  I'm currently a little overwhelmed with terms like "apeture" and "ISO".  EEK!)

Today I am digging out of Christmas and post-trip mess.
(which, let's be honest, will probably take the better part of this week)

And I'm embarking on a couple New Years' resolutions.  One, of which, is to be more productive with my time, and more organized in advance.

Mostly, I'm committing to using a digital calendaring program and schedule out things well in advance.  Including, chores, classes, events, and blogging plans.


But I'm determined that with all I want to do.  The only way to get it done without going completely crazy pants, is planning!  PLANNING!

So, today's entry is just a....

I'm still here.

And I hope you are too.

I can't wait to start on a brand new year of all our favorites.

Unfortunately, I have to lay off the frosting for a few weeks.  How 'bout you?

In the meantime, 
wanna copy of my new
January calendar?

The simplicity and the tonal grey colors are just so fresh.  It's like a blank slate for me to start planning out my brand new year!

You're welcome to save it and print it out for yourself.  But please don't alter it or claim it as your own.  Do not re-post without a link back to this site.  Thanks, bunches!

I'm off to finish cleaning up and calendaring and NOT eating frosting.

What are you up to?


  1. We got a new camera too - and I also have no idea how to use it! Someone gave us the book "Understanding Exposure" which is really good, but I think we're just going to have to suck it up and practice, practice practice!

  2. Glad you are back! I too am focusing on the NOT eating Frosting part. I started a hard core diet today. Happy New Year to me :{ Ohh and I love the Calendar. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Happy New Year!!
    Big time jealous of the new camera!!

    I love your calendar..now if I could just get someone to organze my stuff!

  4. i was also going to recommend the book understanding exposure. it's the book i used to teach myself how to shoot in manual mode. it's very easy to understand. and that's exactly what i needed.
    good luck! :)

  5. Having met you in person, I will just say that the Rihanna do would be totally gorgeous on you- you are absolutely darling! And I'm totally jealous of the camera too! You must've been good this year! ;)

  6. Love the camera. Can't wait to see all the gorgeous pictures you'll be taking with it. I'd love to link back to your awesome calendar in the next day or 2. Let me know if that's okay. Oh, and Happy New Year. Shelley and I are still serious about the pajama party.

  7. I will have to try those games. We played a hilarious one called "Would you rather?" One of the best questions was would you rather have a tiny gnome tapping away at your teeth with a pick or a tiny bird in your nose randomly plucking nose hairs? Can't wait to see the new haircut!

  8. Since it looks like you've mastered photography since this post....care to share some tips with a newbie to the DSLR?? ;) Would be forever grateful!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**