March 24, 2011

I {heart} U: Eighteen25

Welcome to the next installment of I {heart} U: the school of cool!

This is my fictional University. You know. How Universities award "honorary" Doctorates to celebrities and super smart people? Well, that's what I'm doing. I'm awarding a really silly honorary degree (and access to an exclusive bloggie button......I know......try not to let a mob mentality ensue...) to some of my bloggie heros.

You can see past "Honorees" of I {heart} U HERE.

This installment is going to honor one of my ALL TIME bloggie favorites:

I highly doubt that Jen, Jamie, and Jodi are new to you.  But on the OFF chance that they are.......what the heck?
You can thank me later.  (gifts and money preferred)

What makes them so spectacular?
Listen.  That list could go on from now until NEXT Thursday.

So I'll just share a little snippet of what makes them one of my all-time favorites:

Pretty sure this was the first thing I ever saw from their blog.
  • First off, I HAVE those black & white clippies on my fridge right this second.
  • Second, color coordination in this fashion makes me pee my pants.  (so maybe get out your depends before you go see them)
  • Third, compartments.  'Nuff said.

This little beauty SAVED my Christmas Cub Scout party.  Eighteen25 saved me.  (kinda like how Jack saved Rose on the Titanic.  Only.....I really don't want any of them to drown on a cruise ship.)

This display of excellence was the photo evidence I used in "the state Vs. Husband"  the case for adding turquoise in our holiday decor.

I won.

So, as you may remember.  The only requirement to get an honorary degree from I {heart} to answer 15 of my goofy questions.   So, I'll let the gals take it away..... (I think Jen answered most of them, just in case you were wondering)

  • Do you play a musical instrument, and if not which one would you like to? 
ya know... none of us play a musical instrument.  as kids we danced. so that was our talent, but if i could just magically snap my fingers and automatically know how to play an instrument it would probably be a guitar. guitars are definitely cool!

  • Morning person, or night owl?
i've turned into a morning person somehow. i love to wake up early before anyone else. i can get a lot done in the wee hours of the morning. by the time 8pm rolls around though all i want to do is veg on the couch and watch reality tv.

  • You’re going to Disneyland. Which ride do you pick first? 
so funny that you would ask a disney questions.... since we are all disney die hards. we head down main street and take a quick left. we start at jungle cruise and continue right on down till we get drenched on splash mountain. don't forget a churro along the way.  :)

  • If you could meet someone famous (living) who would you choose? 
well i don't really get excited by the rich and famous. but i'm missing simon cowell right about now.  maybe we could chat about this years contestants over lunch. that would be fun.  :)

  • Did you have an imaginary friend? What was his/her name? 
i love this question. jamie had an imaginary friend till she was like 16. well maybe not quite 16, but we love to tease her about it. they were the best of friends.  

  • You’re 14 again. What things are on your “favorites” list. (i.e. music, TV shows, celebrities, etc.) 
at 14 i'm probably trying to learn all the words to a rob base song, suffering through an episode of 21 jumpstreet just so i can see the hunk johnny depp. and i'm pretty sure that's about the time aqua net was my best friend and i was trying to get my bangs to stand as high as they could! the good old days.

  • If you were stranded on a crafting desert island, what one item could you NOT be without? 
spray paint or glitter. i just can't decide.

  • Did you ever ditch school back in the day? Where did you go? 
oh gosh. i'm so not fun. i've never been a rule breaker. i think i ditched like 3 times all through high school. the only time i can remember was senior ditch day and we went to the park to play sand volleyball. i was so scared someone was going to drive down the street and see me...  haha!

  • What did you eat for breakfast this morning? 
an egg on wheat toast. my favorite.

  • If you get to go on TV for one mega appearance, which would you choose? 
i think i'd choose ellen. she's so dang funny. i'd like to dance down the aisles with her....  and she gives really cool gifts to her guests!

  • Tomboy, or girlie girl? 
i wouldn't say i am quite a girlie girl... but definitely more a girlie girl than a tomboy.

  • Name the blog(s) that you love to READ and not just look at the pictures.
i love to read the blog 71 toes. (  and although shawni's photography is great... i mostly like to be inspired by her words there. without sounding too corny... she inspires me to be a better mom. i've also fallen in love with her little lucy who was diagnosed with something pretty scarey called Bardet-Biedl Syndrome and is destined to lose her vision sometime between the ages of 9 and 15. a huge part of their family's life is to take the best care possible of lucy's health and it's obvious to those of us that read her blog that lucy means the world to every member of their family!

  • You HAVE to go out today with only one make-up item on. Which one wins? 
that's easy because i don't usually wear make up. but i do have eyelash extensions.... and i'm in love with them!

  • If you were an ice cream cone, what flavor would you be?
i'd be coldstone's germanchokolatekake.  oh yum!

  • Point us to a blog post that you’re REALLY proud of. 
hum... i guess i'm pretty proud of the post about my clock wall.  i'm so scared of commitment when it comes to decorating. so after months of everything sitting under my bed my sisters came and we finally made my clock wall a reality.

So congratulations, girls!  You get an honorary degree from Less Cake {more frosting}'s
I {heart} U: the school of cool!

Less Cake{More Frosting}

You're so fantastic! You have outta-this-world-CRAZY talent. And plus.....I kinda really like you! :)


  1. Loving this U!

    eighteen 25 is one of my MUST READ blogs! Every.Single.Day!

  2. this was a fun read! what a great idea Lara!

  3. Yay! Thanks for the interview.

  4. I love eighteen 25 too! They are well deserving of the honorary degree!

  5. My two favorite extras would be either the drop alphabet or the nesting flowers. Love them both!

  6. Just wanted to let you know that you won my "Lemonade Baby Blanket" pattern giveaway. Just email your address info to ambassadorcrochet (at)


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**