August 13, 2010

The "Go To"...

A few years ago, when we had a late-night family emergency, I needed someone to watch my son. FAST. PRONTO. And possibly late into the night. Immediately, without thinking, my fingers dialed my sweet neighbor. She hopped out of bed and was here almost before the conversation was over. (everything turned out case you were concerned)

I realized, that night, the importance of having "go to" people in your life. Like, my Mom is my "go to" person on 90% of all life's questions. I have a "go to" person for a really good belly laugh. Or a "go to" person for a boost of my confidence. Sometimes just one person is the "go to" and sometimes it's a combination of people.

There's a security in knowing that there's a solid, "go to" person waiting in the wings. It's invaluable. I hope to be the kind of person that someone could "go to". (besides being the "go to" person for complaining. 'Cause I don't really relish that title.)

My mom, the "go to" person of just about EVERYTHING, also taught me the value of a "go to" gift. Something that you either keep on hand, or can easily purchase. She was always there with a pick-me up when I felt down. And I sort of stole one of her "go to" my own.

"Go to" gifts at my house were usually treats. I love treats. And I have a few favorites. My Mom always knew which to pick. And how I liked them.
  • Swedish Fish with a well aged crust.
  • Red Vines that are so soft they fall apart on contact.
  • Meringues that are chewy in the center.
  • Circus Peanuts that are 2 days old.
  • Starbursts...only the original flavor
Really, that list could be 10,000 miles long......hence the reason why weight will be my life's constant battle. Sugar and I are best friends, and enemies at the exact same time! We're frenamies.

Her other "go to" feel better present was jammie pants. When I mis-carried, or when I was sick, or when I had surgery, or when I was in pre-term labor....(is there a theme here? Geez I get crazy illnesses a lot) anyway, she was there with a new pair of jammie pants.

Jammie pants are an AMAZING "go to" gift.
They say:
  • I'm sorry you're sad/hurt
  • I hope you feel better soon
  • I'm thinking about you
  • I figured you'll probably be hanging out in PJ's anyway.
  • Might as well look cute, and have some brand new ones to put on.
I think they're pretty much aces for anytime. Even just a random Thursday.

So recently, when I needed a gift for a friend, what do I do? Head to my "go to" gift. No thinking. Just quickly buying.

You can certainly throw them in a cute bag and be off. But I really love this idea for packaging.....

Get your pants and fold them up into thirds. (as narrow as you can get) Then, starting at the top roll them into a tight little ball. Hold tight. They won't like being like this.

Have some packing tape handy and tape right around the middle. This will keep them in shape. (and won't hurt the pants at all)

Next get a cute small box to put them in. I'm IN LOVE with these Chinese Take-out boxes. I think they're so AMAZING. (perhaps it's because they usually come with some amazing dining choices in them)

I got these beauties at Hobby Lobby. Very affordable. Anyway, just as easy as a bag, but totally unexpected. (can you believe that a pair of pants fits in there? SOOOOO CUTE!!)

They look great with a label on the front, top, or hanging from the handle.

Since a few of us were giving this gift together...I also bought flowers. Isn't it SOOOO cute? Wouldn't you be at least a little happier if you got this?

Want a couple flower tips? (I'm no expert...but here's what I've learned)
  • I heard a Martha Stewart florist talking about how to make your arrangements look good. He said don't buy the mixed bouquets from the store.
(I'm sure he didn't mean "grocery store" but let's be honest, that's where we get them. I'm sorry guy.) I got these at Costco. They were beautiful, smelled heavenly, and were VERY affordable.
  • What he did suggest is buying flowers that are all ONE variety. It looks 10,000 times better if you're not really good at arranging them. (which I'm not)
  • You take off ALL the extras. No leaves, no filler. Just stems and flowers.
  • Cut them all to the exact same length.
  • I put a rubber band around them to help me arrange them a little height wise.
  • Put in a vase that just barely fits them all. And have them sit just above the top.
  • looks like you bought it that way! YAY!!

Hope that helps. I think it makes a WORLD of difference.

So go out, figure out who your "go to" people are. And maybe, give them a "go to" gift, just to say thanks for being there for me!

( re-do complete! Average 3 hours sleep per night, for 5 nights. I kind of want to puke.

Birthday party is tomorrow. So no rest for the weary. Hopefully I will be able to show it all to you in the next few weeks. After I die.

Linked to:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Great idea. Pjs should be the go-to for everything. The combination of Pjs with any of the above mentioned candies and I would be in heaven.

  2. Oh they turned out perfectly! I cannot wait to hear all about the room redo. I am so glad you are my friend and that I can "go to" you for anything. Simply the best Jerry...the best!

  3. As a recent recipient of a certain "go-to" gift from some of the MOST AMAZING LADIES IN THE WORLD, I can attest that jammie pants are truly heaven. And how did these ladies know that I WOULD be hanging out in jammies for a while (oh, because they see me in jammies 90% of the time? Hmmm...)? And definitely, the packaging made the jammies that much more enjoyable to receive.

    And... Costco is kind of my "go-to" flower shop. Love it there!

  4. And PS... so anxious to see the redo! Good luck with the party tomorrow and Happy Birthday to one of my little favorites!

  5. I love me some cute pj's! I love the cute little take out box gift wrap and flowers. Soo cute! Cute tags too!

  6. that is very cute. and pajama pants are also one of my favorites. you're lucky when you can find great "go-to" people.

  7. What a great neighbor you have. And great mom. And you are a great friend too!

    I don't have go to people who live around me. I really don't have go to people at all.... I kind of keep my problems to myself, my bestfriend would be happy to hear them but I hate to burden people with my silly problems! My mom is great but she has her own life... And my neighbor is nice but I wouldn't call them in the middle of the night! If there was a problem and one of us had to go to the hospital we would ALL have to go in the middle of the night....

    It sucks but I guess thats the life we live!

  8. LOVE IT SUPER CUTE DARLING IDEA, i adore your wrapping too, so fun and colorful GREAT JOB. P.S. I don't know if you intended on the I was featured button for CraftOManiac of the CraftOManiac Monday button... either way it make me chuckle! Have a super day! Jen

  9. i love this idea. i know i always appreciate that go to person and you don't ever really remember how important they are until you need them. its just a nice little way to say thanks and to make them feel special.


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**