August 11, 2010

The Larry Board: repeat edition

This is a re-post of a project that I put up on the awesome blog THE CRAFTING CHICKS last week. I had such a great time hanging out over there for the day! I thought maybe some of you might have been getting pedi's that day.
Or maybe you were cleaning toilets.
Or maybe you were watching the entire season of Glee in one day.
(I didn't do that...
okay I did....
but I was folding laundry. That's productive, right?

Anyway, Just in case you missed it.....

I'd like to show you how to make your very own Larry Board for school....

But before you wonder "what on earth is a Larry Board," let me explain.

About 15 years ago, I started scrapbooking. It was with awesome Mrs. Grossmans stickers that were dwarfed by my giant empty pages. I only had tiny markers...or calligraphy ones, and some rather unfortunate paper choices. Remember those days? My Mother came across a little lap desk around Christmas time, and she thought it would make a nice gift for my scrapbooking. My Mom usually stays up most of the night helping Santa with all his gifts. So on Christmas day, you'll probably find her passed out from sheer exhaustion. She's been known to do some crazy things on her couple hours of sleep.

One of the best was when we passed out the gifts, and one was tagged: "to Larry".
Who's Larry?
No Larry in my family.
My name is "Lara", close....
We asked my Mom who the gift was for, and she insisted that it was for me, and WOULD NOT believe that she addressed it to "Larry".
It might have been a "you had to be there" moment.
But the more she protested, the funnier it got.
We had to physically take off the tag and make her read it aloud.

That tag, now 15 years old, is still taped to my lap desk. Now, in our family, ALL lap desks are called "Larry Boards". And today, we're gonna help you make a "Larry Board" of your very own.

I started with a raw wood lap desk that I found at Hobby Lobby. I bet you could find something similar, and you definitely could cut one. (if you have fancy tools like that)

After a light sanding on the edges, I painted the entire front and about 2 inches of the back. This was my first try with "metallic" paint. (my son picked it out) And I might be in love. It looks AWESOME!!

I used a piece of upholstery fabric that I had for the pillow back. I measured the wood from top to bottom, and side to side. Then I added an extra 1 1/2".

Next, I used an inexpensive staple gun to staple the top of my fabric (wrong side up) to the bottom of the board. And I stapled around the corners. Then I flipped up the material, so that the right side was showing. And now the bottom is attached with an invisible seam.

Then I stretched the material up and stapled one staple at the top. It has to be on top of the fabric. But when we finish, you'll cover it up.

Next, lightly stuff your "pillow". I made sure that it was stuffed well in the bottom corners, and then evenly throughout the rest.

When it's all stuffed, you'll run a line of hot glue about 1/4" from the edge, and glue down the open edges. (hiding the raw edge underneath) As you're gluing, cover up the exposed staple(s) on the top edge.

You'll end up with a cushy little pillow to rest on your lap.

Now, the fun part....DECORATING! This "Larry Board" is for my son, so I wanted to put his nick-name across the front. Unfortunately, I don't have a fancy cutter. (but will accept any donations toward getting me one.)

I like to print out letters on my printer, and put glue on the letters. Then I paste them to the BACK of my paper. (backwards) Then, when you cut, they don't move and you get perfect letters every time.

(still needing a digital cutter....are you grasping how much?)

I used my beloved Mod Podge to stick down my decorations. And then I gave the whole top 2 coats of the magic Podge.

(see, Mod Podge and I are such besties that I just refer to it as "Podge".)

**I do realize that by putting down the paper across the top, that it hinders a flat writing surface. But sometimes, cuteness comes before function. Wait, cuteness ALWAYS comes before function.**

I am positive that decorating one for a little girl would be easier (and possibly more pink) but I have a little boy. I wanted it simple, and clean.

But the great thing about this project is....possibilities are ENDLESS!

So go forth!

Start off school with a bang!

And get your very own "Larry Board".

*PS...there is no obligation to call it a "Larry Board". Obviously, explaining that to your friends and family would be lengthy and weird.

Feel free to call it whatever you wish*

Linked to:

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up        party!





Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. This is great! My little ones are too little for their own 'larry' board...but I see them in their futures :)

  2. I love this idea - very cute! And you're right - cuteness before functionality sometimes...just like cute shoes come before comfort :)

  3. Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

  4. That is super cute! Great idea! And that story about your mom is hilarious! I can so see my mom doing the same thing.

    PS. I gave you an award or two! ;)


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**