August 30, 2010


Remember when something was a BIG DEAL and you could call it "major?" Not "major event" or "major rumor".....just MAJOR.

I'm old.

I don't think that works anymore. (Kind of like in Back to the Future when they wonder why everything is so "heavy" in 1985. Sorry Marty. I know how you feel)

Well this isn't quite "MAJOR" but I do call it my "Major Cleaning Schedule". So I think that fits....right?

Remember back HERE when we talked about a way to get all your "chores" done? Well...I'm sure some of you were thinking, "keeping a clean house is TOTALLY not that simplistic." And you're right.

In order to have a really clean house, you've got to periodically spend time doing the DEEP CLEANING. The yucky stuff. Like cleaning out the dead flies from the light fixtures. And cleaning out the dirt from the window tracks. (you'll probably get grossed out by what's actually there.....or maybe that's just my house....)

Here's how I keep up with the "simple schedule" and still have a clean house....and not get overwhelmed.

The Major Cleaning Schedule

Each month, I give myself one room to work on. One room that gets a good cleaning. The nasty stuff. The wall washing. This is the time to re-organize closets. This is the time to de-clutter. Making the room brand new again.

But I have a WHOLE MONTH to accomplish it. Not overwhelming at all!!

Here's the schedule I keep. If my rooms are similar to're welcome to print out a copy for you as well!

You'll notice that rooms like "The Kitchen" and "bathrooms" get re-done every 6 months. Other things like the "Living Room" don't need that kind of attention.

And just in case you'd like to do something similar, I also thought I'd give you a blank version. You can write in your own schedule, or bring it into an editing program and add your words.

(please just personal use only....and be a doll and link back up here if you re-post them! Thanks!)

I promise that if you'll just break it won't seem overwhelming at all. And you'll KNOW that your house is squeaky clean.


P.S.......THIS is freakin' cool. WOW!! Thanks Ohdeedoh!!


  1. What a fantastic idea!!!! Thanks so much! Gonna make my chart tonight...;)

    And I totally remember using MAJOR to describe funny!!!

    Thanks, again!!!

  2. Awesome idea. Thanks for sharing and giving us a blank template! I was sort of cringing when you mentioned the stuff like, "dirt in the windowsill" because I believe I'm terribly guilty of all of that! Yikes.

  3. Oh this is MAJOR! I love it. I actually do my major cleaning with the seasons. I tackle it all in less than a week...from there it's maintenance. But this schedule is perfect for not feeling so overwhelmed with everything. I may have to adapt it :)

  4. Oh what a wonderful plan! And you are so thoughtful to post a template to do the same! Thanks so much. I will print it off and use it myself...that IS major!! :D


  5. Way to go you! I'm horrible at keeping to schedules...maybe printing one out to stare me in the face would help. I just deep clean when people are coming over...I basically kill myself for a week before every birthday. This way would be much nicer.

  6. Because it can get overwhelming I just ignore it and hope it will go away . But darn it somehow it rears it's ugly head and I don't have a choice. This will make my life so much easier. Thanks for the tip!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**