August 31, 2010


I have ONE more big event that I need to plan for this weekend. Unfortunately, I doubt it's going to be "blog worthy" in terms of decor. But it's still sucking up my time this week. (mostly preparing the house for guests and trying to get a luncheon planned) So today, I just want to share a quick idea.

This idea takes next to NO time.....and very little money....if any at all.

But not every fun idea has to take 20 hours of preparation and work. (at least that's what my husband is trying to get me to believe!!)

Here's the idea:

When we re-did my son's room...we knew he'd long for some of the old things...and we knew he'd use that feeling to claim that he was scared, or lonely, or whatever, to get to come and sleep in our room. Kids are just BORN sneeky like that! (I still totally love him though)

The second part of this idea starts like:

I adore Mickey Mouse.

It's true. I love him. I love Disney. I am not a freak about it...per se...but I love it. (and force feed it to my family) I particularly love the understated look of just the 3 Mickey circles. Just the silhouette. And at Disneyland, they have them everywhere. They call it "Hidden Mickey's". It's kind of a passtime to find them hidden in rides, stores, and on the buildings.

So, in order to remind my son that I love him....and to play a little "hidden Mickey", we left some in his brand new bedroom.

6 to be exact. I just took a Mickey punch that I bought...and punched out little heads out of my left over vinyl. Then rubbed them on some hidden places. Like the seat of his chair. Or the inside of a drawer.

This one is under a shelf that he looks up to when he's sleeping. I told him to look there anytime he needs to feel that Mommy's there.

The vinyl is great because I can move it. And since it's not doesn't ruin anything.

Not that you want to do "hidden Mickey's" at your house. (But you might....'cause they're awesome!!!) But you might want to put little reminders out for your kids.

A game. And a love note. He's found 5 out of 6. That sixth one is hidden HARD! He loves to look for it though.

And on a totally different subject......
I know where you need to be ALL of September.....

Eighteen25 is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE blogs! I adore everything they do. (I mean, seriously, look at that logo for heaven's sake! It's impeccable!)

They are hosting a "Spooktacular September" event all month long, starting tomorrow. And I'm not should see the line-up. It is an All-Star Studded event!

I am so excited to see what some of my VERY FAVORITE bloggers have to show us for Halloween inspiration! (and I mean VERY FAVORITE....DID I MENTION I LOVE THESE CONTRIBUTORS?)

Jen from Tatertots & Jello starts it off tomorrow. And that should tell you what kind of people they have....

I am BEYOND honored (and WAAAAYYYY out of my league) to be included on September 28th. I've got my project planned and ready to start. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

Put it in your reader, Gals! You won't want to miss one single entry.....

(you can also sport this fantabulous button on your blog too....head over and grab the code!!)


  1. What A GREAT MOM YOU ARE. lOVE THE IDEA OF THE HIDDEN Mickey. It reminds me of me putting my daughters two nicknames up in her headboard cubby were only she can see it when laying on her bed. I even did some flowers all in purple vinyl. Way to go mom. ;) Jen

  2. I might put hidden Mickeys in my room too!

  3. Love the tiny mickeys...and the spooktacular!

  4. what a fun idea!! At the holidays (any and all of them), I try and hide things in the house for the kids to find. They love it & I do too :)

    Can't wait to see what's going down at eighteen25 all September. I heart them too!!

  5. The hidden Mickeys was really a sweet idea! I can't wait to check out the Halloween ideas in's my favorite holiday!

  6. love that idea!! i AM a disney freak. love everything about it!! we even have the hidden mickey books! :)

    and thanks so much for spreading the word about our fun month of september!! i'm so excited! and i can't wait to see what you've got planned!! i know it'll be great! :)


  7. What a great way to share a passion of yours with your kids and have them know you are always thewre.Brilliant!

  8. The hidden Mickey is a great idea - my son would think that was FUN! Halloween already...I will have to check out eighteen 25...Never been there!

  9. Oh, oh, oh! Those hidden Mickey's are too fabulous for words! We've just learned about the fun of hidden Mickey's this last Disneyland trip and I'm obsessed. My kids are going to love it when I tell them I've put them all over our house too!!! So great.

  10. I'm not sure our little guy is quite ready for this, but I am absolutely tucking away the "hidden Mickey" idea for a little later! Makes me think of the special little notes that some Moms sneak into their kids' lunchboxes.


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**