September 16, 2010

Peach Awes-Blom

My daughter LOVES Strawberry Shortcake. I am proud of the way I have sneakily steered her away from Barbie, toward this "berry" great gal. (much as my parents did to me 25 years ago) I realize now, that they didn't want me to grow up too fast, and so they wanted me to save Barbie for when I was older. Smart parents. (not that there's anything inherently wrong with Barbie, I just think Miss Strawberry is better for my 3 year old.) Anyway, one of Strawberry's buddies is "Peach Blossom", which my daughter cannot pronounce. So she calls her "Peach Awes-blom." And I think that's "awes-blom".

And speaking of's peach season around these parts. And on Saturday, I stopped at a market to pick up some to bottle.

As kids, my Mom would spend much of August and September bottling all kinds of things. ('cause as I've mentioned, she's kind of a Rock Star) I have fond (and not so fond) memories of helping snap beans, and husk corn, and skin peaches, and smelling pears ripening in the unfinished basement. SO YUMMY!

I, however, am not so much of a "rock star" and have given up on all home canning EXCEPT peaches. I am spoiled. And I WILL NOT eat store bought peaches. I think they're nasty. And so, each year, I bottle just enough for us to use for a year. It's not much, but this is the first year I've done it completely on my own....AND MAN WAS IT TIRING! I think I mopped the floor 6 times, and I can still feel sticky on my toes.

But I was successful. They all sealed up. (nothing better than the sound of those little "lid buttons" popping.) And now, like little squirrels, we are stocked up for the winter.

You'll never guess what we use the peaches for.
I'll tell you.
If you promise not to make mean comments.
We dip grilled cheese sandwiches in the peach juice.
My dad did it. And I do it. And my kids do it.
(my husband thinks it's disgusting)

After the bottles had cooled for 48 hours. It was an honor, and a privilege, to be asked to use a sharpie and write the year on the top of the bottle lids. I loved that job. I got mad if my Mom did it without me. I would imagine how I'd write each number. And take my time making them all pretty.

So now, I really make them pretty.

This year I made labels for all my little beauties. I designed these cute little labels that tell me which year these peaches were bottled. (not that they ever last that long anyway!)

I printed it out on sticker paper. (I LOVE sticker paper. It's a label lover's dream) And punched them out with another of my buddies....the 2 3/4" punch. LOVE him. Last year I put labels right on the bottles. DUMB! I've had to scrape them all off. So don't do that. Just put them right on top. You have to replace those lids next time anyway.

If you'd like to make your own peach labels....I'd be happy to share....

Just click on the graphic to make it large, and then right click to save. Same rules apply. Don't sell it, or claim it as your own. And if you re-post it....make sure to link back. Thanks!

I hope your growing season is "peachy keen" and that your harvest is "Awes-blom!"

Happy Canning!


  1. Where do you get your sticker paper?!?!
    I LOVE strawberry shortcake - and I agree with your parents - keep em young :)

  2. Wow - those look so good! I have no idea how to can anything - lol. But I want to just so I can use those labels! I shared this on my TT&J FB page :)


  3. look how pretty your peaches are!!! and the tag is so cute.

    but lets back up... you dip grilled cheese in peach juice? wha? haha. i think i'd have to agree with your husband on this issue!! haha. but if you like it you keep right on doing it!!


  4. Last week I saw a family in the back yard with a pile of corn and all the kids were standing around husking the corn. I knew what they were up to and I got a little nostalgic. Canning days were the most tiring of all and I can still smell the wonderful scents of canning.The Peaches look beautiful. Great job.
    love ya Mom

  5. I love the labels! I can jelly for Christmas and these are way cuter that the return address labels I usually print! Grilled Cheese and peaches...not the 1st combo that comes to mind, but I dip mine in Katchup, so to each their own.

  6. LOVE the labels. I just finished canning peaches the other day and I am SOO running out to by sticker paper TOmorrow so I can label my jars and make them cute like yours. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh- and grilled cheese in peach juice sounds almost as bad as dipping hot dogs in yogurt which is what my step-family does. One of these days I'll try them both. Maybe.

  8. The peaches are beautiful; and, I'm with you--store bought peaches are nasty. I have to be pretty desperate to eat them. As far as the grilled cheese deal, I find that strange. However, I just learned from my MIL that she eats her bottled peaches alongside an open-face broiled cheese sandwich. She doesn't dip it, as far as I know, but it's as close as I've heard. I prefer to eat mine with a slice of bread slathered in peanut butter-that's what my dad taught me. :)

  9. I too dipped grilled cheese in home canned peach juice and still think it is delish!

  10. Mmmm. I'm not sure there is anything better than peach jam! These lid labels are lovely! Thanks so much for your kind comment about "The Bax" today on Eighteen25. I appreciate it so much!

  11. I've never canned something, but I've always wanted to try, and this post is inspiring me!

  12. Oh my, I love sticker paper and labels! Couldn't agree with you more on the love for those. Super cute labels, by the way.
    Cute blog too! :o)

  13. Where did you get your sticker paper


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**