September 8, 2010

Remember the Time


It's been SO long since we had a "Wired Wednesday!" I just had to throw one out there. Just for kicks. But this one also has a quick idea in it as don't tune out...just because you aren't a "tech" kind of individual.

As you all know, we've been SUPER focused on my son and his 8th birthday for the last few weeks. Between his birthday party, and his room makeover, and this past weekend we were again focused on him. It's not that we love him any's just that in our church turning 8 is kind of a big deal. And we really wanted it to be special.

But sometimes, all the birthday parties, and room remodeling, and hoop-lah....aren't as important as just telling your kids that you love them.

Years ago, I watched an Oprah.....

{wait....can I just interject here and ask, "where the heck am I supposed to get all my words of wisdom from when she goes away? Seriously. How will I have light-bulb moments? Oh lady O....I miss you already}

I digress....

Years ago I watched an Oprah show where they suggested writing a letter to your kids each year on their birthday. And I had a little boy about to turn one. I thought it was brilliant. Beyond brilliant. I wish I could direct you to the person who said it. But I don't know. Just know that it's certainly not my idea.

I went and bought a special box to put my letters in. And on his first birthday, I began. His first letter was a hand-written 8 page letter. It talked about all his firsts, (the ones I could remember) how I loved being a Mom. How sleeplessness and I didn't get along. It was a dictionary of all the words he was saying. And a documentary of all the toys he loved.

At the time it seemed silly to write it all down. But I must have been bored that day. I knew I'd NEVER forget all those things. Because they were all so amazing. But I wrote it.

I put it in an envelope and placed it in the box. Until the next year, when I retrieved it. And re-read what I'd written. So fun to see how far we'd come. How much he'd grown. And how much I'd FORGOTTEN! Gasp!

Fast forward 8 years. I'm now on letter #8. And I hope to continue this tradition. (I do it for my daughter as well) I sat down a couple weeks ago and read them all.

I forgot that he called a popscicle "poppa-sick-ee-oh", and that he turned on his mobile to "page" us when he needed things. So many little things I loved remembering.

Actually, now-a-days I type the letter. It's so much faster, and makes it easier for me to keep up the tradition. But doing that makes me miss the whole "hand-written" aspect.


I love using my special font. (I have a cursive version too!!) I had mine made by DARCY BALDWIN. I don't have any affiliation with her at all. But I was very pleased. I'm sure there are a ton of other people who do it as well. And I will probably make more in the future. You know. When I decide to change the way I write my "r's" or "w's".

And don't give me the "I don't like my handwriting" bologna. I don't buy that. Your family won't care what your handwriting looked like. But they will love seeing it. I would give anything to have things written in my Dad's handwriting. Messy, or not.

While we're on "excuses I won't accept"....

I also won't accept that your kids are older than one, and you should have started this then.
I'm sorry.
That's lame.
It doesn't matter whether your kids are 4 or 40...even one thoughtful letter to re-cap an entire year of a precious priceless.

And yes, it does take time, and thought. But is an hour or two too much to ask? This year I put it off. And actually just finished it tonight. But I KNOW that one day he'll love having this letter that I took time to write. And it will be worth a couple hours.

So off you write some excuses.
Just awesome memories.
And spending time on things that matter.
(yes....I'm admitting that sometimes I spend time on things that DON'T MATTER.)

Happy Wednesday!!


  1. I may have to do that handwritten font. That is really cool. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I LOVE this idea! I'm totally going to do it for my kids! My oldest is turning two this month, so I don't have much to catch up on! I love the font idea because I really don't enjoy writing things by hand, but prefer the look of handwritten.

    Another good source to turn your handwriting into a font is here:

  3. I agree! I started doing that when my kids were small. It's such a great way to remember small things that happen.


  4. I've been doing the letters too. I'm also amazed at how much I've forgotten. I love the font thing! Your handwriting is beautiful! It is just so you! Sad to say my 9 year old writes better than me...but you probably remember that. Anyway, I've always typed mine, but I LOVE the idea of the font. A lot of what looks terrible about mine might be fixed by least the letters would be spaced evenly. Thanks!

  5. I wish I new about this letter thing 8 years ago. There are so many little things that I wish I'd remembered to write down. But, you're so right... never too late to start. Thanks for the ANOTHER awesome idea!!

  6. Great idea! I know that this doesn't go along with writing letters to your kids but another fun idea my siblings and I do is: When someone is turning the big 3-0 we each write a list of 30 memories and we compile them together and send them to that person. It is hilarious and we love to see what everyone comes up with. And as you brother now writes raps too. However he swears he's done after this year and passing it on to my 2 children because they are more genetically equipped for it than he is.

  7. Great idea! I know that this doesn't go along with writing letters to your kids but another fun idea my siblings and I do is: When someone is turning the big 3-0 we each write a list of 30 memories and we compile them together and send them to that person. It is hilarious and we love to see what everyone comes up with. And as you brother now writes raps too. However he swears he's done after this year and passing it on to my 2 children because they are more genetically equipped for it than he is.

  8. Ellie - I'm so glad you're loving your font, and I'm glad it's making your project even easier!

    FYI - if you have any adjustments on your font...lemme know, I can fix that 'w' or 'r' whenever you want LOL


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**