October 4, 2010

The Phantom Poster

Hey readers! Weird how I am home...and can't get a post up. But then I prepare for a vacation, and am ALL OVER IT! It's so weird. I guess I'll chalk this one up to pretty good planning on my part. (oh, and 3 nights that lasted until 3AM. Dumb. Great to have stuff done....but not great to get the head and stomach aches that follow sleepless nights)

Regardless, here we are, and I have some short....holiday posts for you this week. They are quick. And not elaborate. But have a few tips I want to share.

Today's Manic Monday post is sharing a tip that I love. If it's one you already know....then good for you! If you don't....you can thank me later.

I introduced you once before to my besties The Fiskars Scissors Snips. You HAVE to make friends with these bad boys. And you HAVE to keep them away from your children. They could also be called "The Fiskars Finger Snips". They are that sharp. Still...awesome little tool.

My second favorite tool to ALWAYS have on hand are zip ties. I love these little beauties.

What do snips and zip ties have to do with Halloween?

Well, nothing, really.

But home decor....they're a great solution.

I have a garland for my bannister that I LOVE. I had eyed it BIG TIME at our local craft store and could not afford it. I looked at it over and over and would leave empty handed.

Right before Halloween a couple years ago, they had everything on 75% off. I looked for my garland.

But of course, it was gone.
I'm sure they were gone quickly.

Just as I was checking out, a woman returned 2 garlands. I squealed and asked the cashier if I could have them on the sale. She said yes. And they came home with me. Yipee!!

However, they are not that long, and cannot be wrapped over and over through the bannister. Only a couple times.

The answer is my buddy the zip tie!

I can tightly tie the garland to the bannister. It won't budge. And you can't see the little tie, after I snip off the end.

And when the season is over.....get out those snips and snip it right off. It's not easy to do with regular scissors. In fact, almost impossible. But the snips are a dream!

I love my little garland. The candy corns make me happy! And the story about how we were MEANT to be together is just inspiring.


I publicly thank that lady who returned them. You made my celebration complete!

Go out and get some zip ties and snips. They'll make your decorating a little less manic!


  1. you were definitely destined to be together:-) we also use zip ties for everything around our house too...love them!

  2. Finger snips! Thanks for the laugh!

    Hubs and I are huge fans of zip ties, they are so handy.


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**