October 5, 2010


I was raised by a mother that decorated for EVERY holiday. Like...back to school, and St. Patrick's, and New Years....along with all the other normal holidays.

I just can't do that. Not only do I not have the decorations, I don't have anywhere to store them. And I actually don't have a ton of places to display them either.

Anyway....I do decorate for Halloween.

But one of my other hurdles, is that I usually don't LOVE decor that you can buy at a local store. I kind of have a weird design taste. And the "modern" edge that I usually like...isn't frequently offered in holiday decor.

Today's tip, if you're anything like me....

Is to look for color, rather than in the "holiday" isle. Combine your own elements that keep your color theme consistent. But still reflect your personal design aesthetic.

This is a new addition to my decor this year. The vase and flower were purchased at local decor stores....and were not necessarily meant for holiday decor purposes. But when I saw the vase, I KNEW it would be an awesome addition to our Halloween decorations. I love it. And it's totally modern.

If this were on FaceBook....I'd push the "Like" button....twice!!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**