October 27, 2010

Simply Boo-rific!

Hi! I'm back again. With another last minute Halloween project. (and stay tuned, I might have made you a freebie printable too. I know!)

One year for my birthday, one of my friends (we'll call her "Nessa") brought me the most awesome gift. Peanut M&M's in a jar. Now it doesn't sound like much.  They were, however, abnormally divine.  Perfection.  Wanna know why?   I learned a valuable tip that day. And I'm gonna share it with you now.....

You can make inexpensive candy look really posh!! Here's how:


Yep. Separation.

Now here's where I admit that this is a common practice for me anyway. I'm the girl that separates out all her Starbursts so that I make sure that I end with one of each flavor. And in addition to that, I always end on my favorite one....so that's the taste that stays in my mouth all day. (Pink!!)

Please don't write to tell me I need therapy. I know.


Separation is gonna make your quick, and inexpensive gift look like a million bucks!

Head to the store this instant and pick up yourself a flat of these bad boys....before the canning stuff disappears for another season. This cost me around $7 for 9 jars. That's less than a dollar a piece. Have these on hand for last minute gifts. You won't be sorry!

Next, do your sort. I went to the store to get Halloween M&M's. But either they didn't come out this year, or they're all gone. 'Cause 3 different stores were a bust for me. But gratefully, Reese's Pieces are always offered in an aray of fallish colors. And I like them better anyway.

Here's where the magic happens. Fill your jar/container up one color layer at a time. I know! Something about the order of it all just classes it up 100%!

I tried a ribbon around it, but it detracted from my cute layers. I thought writing "boo" with vinyl was just right. Oh so simple and modern. My favorite!

And that's it. Now I can go and BOO! some people. Because some sweet individual BOO'ed us this year for the first time ever. Yipee!!

Now are you worried that the top of the jar is naked? No way! Never fear.

I made over the circles for Halloween treats. They are in 3 different color combos {for your Halloween gift giving pleasure} The bottom one matches Reeses Pieces. And the other two are a little more Halloween-ee.

Just click on the graphic to enlarge it to it's max size. Then download and print! Please just personal use only. And if you re-post, make sure to link back here. 

And that's it.  A couple bucks.  A couple stickers.  And a time when my anal tendencies comes in pretty handy.  Bonus.


  1. Very classy! Looks like they came from a specialty store!

  2. It's pretty cool that you are taking advantage of the vinyl cutting on the silhouette. I haven't tried this on my cricut yet. But I am starting to think that I should try it.

    Cute gifts!

  3. I love the simplicity of this--really cute! And I separate my candy before eating too--pink starbursts and red skittles are ALWAYS saved for last! :)

  4. Great idea! I can see this for so many holidays and kids birthdays. Easy and inexpensive but looks like you put time and thought into it. Love it.

  5. that is such a great idea!! The tags are too cute!!!

    and I save the Pink for last too :)

  6. i found your site from my cute cousin, whom I adore! anyway what a fun blog, I love it! I feel so validated that I'm not the only crazy out there that separates my candy according to color! Way cute idea.
    You could also do this with a cute topper tag that says, "Love you to Pieces" for random VTing gifts or whatever.

  7. So cute - but those stark lids are SCREAMING for spray paint! LOL - spray paint is my friend... Thanks for sharing the graphic!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**