November 3, 2010

The Art of Gratitude

When I was little we had an awesome set of children's books on tape called "Standin' Tall".  They were different stories and songs that taught lessons and character traits to kids.  We LOVED these tapes.  And I think that we all pull them out from time to time to listen to them....still.

I love hearing about "Mr. Did" and "Mr. Didn't" in the Land of Obey.  And the little Princess who gets a magic box.  And about the kid who tells Mr. Robinson that he broke his window.  I can pretty much sing you all 13 tapes.  If you're interested.  

One of our favorites is the "Gratitude" tape.  And one of it's best songs goes....."when you have a gratitude attitude..."  It's one of those songs that you sing to your kids at the most inopportune times, and they totally roll their eyes at you, and hate you for life.
Kinda my favorite!!

Having a "gratitude attitude" is really important to our family.  And I'm sure that in a few weeks, when Thanksgiving rolls around, we'll all spend more time reflecting on what we're grateful for.

But this month, I decided that it needed to be more than just a "day" of gratitude.  And that there was MORE than enough things to be grateful to go all month.

We sat down as a family and talked about the word "gratitude".  We talked about being "grateful" and how important it is to say "thank you".   It was a great conversation.  And even our 3 year old understands "thank you".

This month, each day, a member of our household will get to fill in our "gratitude board".  And all day we will be able to think about the thing that person is grateful for.  The next day we will erase it and give another person a turn. 
(you're aware that regular dry erase markers work on plain 'ol glass....aren't you?
If you're not.
They do.
You're welcome.)

I thought I'd show you know how I made our "gratitude board", since it was SUPER EASY.  (and I think, kind of adorable)

I bought 2 frames at Hobby Lobby for 50% percent off.  I'm not the least bit in love with their color.  But the textures are really quite interesting.  Since the backs are those "velvety, fold-ee, kind" that don't come off....I decided to tape the glass and leave it inside for painting.

I sprayed them with a primer first.  I know it's an extra step.  But I really think it makes a difference!

(here's where I have gratitude that it warmed up for a couple days so I could spray-paint.  I'm gonna miss you spray-paint.  Winter is just so sad without you!!)

Now here's where Miss Ellie G likes to buck the system.  I like brown, I love orange, I really like yellow too......BUT NOT TOGETHER.  I'm sorry.  I just don't love the traditional "fall" combo.  And that's part of the reason that I don't usually decorate my home for Thanksgiving.  (that....and the fact that I kind of don't love the holiday.....but that's a story for another day....)

As you can see here....I've chosen to use the yellow.  But this is, in no way, gonna look like a "traditional" fall project.  And I'm okay with that.  In fact, it makes me happy.   And if it's offensive to your autumn sensibilities.....I apologize.

Then I used my best friend "Silhouette Scarlett" to cut out a little something for one of my frames.  For the sake of "speed" I purchased a flourish (1_flourish_C00790_20509) from the Silhouette online store.  And then I wrote our "grateful" in "bradbury sans-light"  (I'm in love with this font.....PS)

The final frames will be hung, and each day this month, someone will fill it in with something they're "grateful" for. My 8 year old got his first turn this morning and wrote (in his awesome 8 year old penmanship) FOOD.

Ooooohhhhhh.....good one buddy!!


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  1. Those frames are so darn adorable! i love every single thing about them!

    I shared them on my Tatertots FB page.


  2. Love this idea and how it teaches the kids to be thankful. I would love to do something like this for our large gathering.

  3. those are so cute!! love that you rebel against the "fall color combo". haha.

  4. Wow!! Really cute! I love the yellow. :) Great job!

  5. Cute project! The today show was just talking about how kids don't say "please" and "thank you" enough. Glad to hear that your two littles are doing better than normal america. You can pat yourself on the back today!

  6. "Come along to the Land of Obey..."
    my kids loved those tapes, too! Very cute gratitude board!


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**