November 22, 2010

Manic Turkey Week

Hey all you readers! We have the whole week off school here, and so our celebrating is beginning.....TO-DAY! Yay! Our plans include decorating the house for Christmas and making some kind of fun holiday crafts. So I hope that next week I'll have some really fun things to show you. (lately, it seems like we've been kind of sparse around here...right?)

This week, however, we'll focus on a few Turkey Day ideas.

And now....I'm gonna get a few things off my chest. (my rather large "chest" but that's a whole 'nother story)

I'm just gonna say it.....

i don't like thanksgiving.

I know!  You'd think, as a gal who is IN LOVE with holidays and tradition....that I'd love this holiday as well.  And it's just not the case.  I'm sorry!

I appreciate the fact that this admittal may have just completely severed our relationship. Heaven knows it's been a test to my marriage more than once.

Most people think this is just a sin. And I'm fine with that. But I just don't like it. Okay?

It's not that I'm ungrateful either.  I'd love to sit and talk about being grateful and how many blessings I have.

Over a steak. 

I just don't like the food that much. I think thinly sliced deli turkey on a sandwich is yummy, but I don't love a piece of, usually, dry meat that just gets stuck under my teeth and makes my gums hurt.
I really don't like stuffing (or dressing....whatever you like to call it)
Pumpkin pie? Nope.
Mashed potatoes are good. (And that's usually what I end up eating.) But they're not good enough to base my whole day around.

I also really don't like being gathered with people I don't know that well. Mostly gigantic family Thanksgivings where I had to eat on church tables shoved into someone's living room. And have Uncles tell me that they couldn't believe that I was 13.  (when I was 17 and almost ready to graduate)

I really don't like football unless it's a local team that I have a vested interest in.  I love Basketball, but for some reason boys are just rude to girls when they watch sports.  And I don't like that.

Also, for some weird reason, I get wildly peeved when people take naps.

I've mentioned that I adore the colors: brown, yellow and orange. But NOT together.

Thanksgiving, just seems like a detraction from the joy that is Christmas and all it's wonderment.

I feel better.

For those of you who will still be willing to be my friends. Thank you.

The second thing I gotta get off my chest is less earth shattering:

It's that I just cannot get as prepared as the rest of the blogging world.

Everyone has posted all their Thanksgiving ideas (in October) and have moved on to Christmas.

I wish I was that prepared. I wish.

I can barely get prepared to go to the bathroom in time to preserve dry pants. Let alone do craftiness months in advance.

That's just how I roll. I did with Halloween. I'm gonna post some last minute Thanksgiving ideas this week. And they truly are "last minute" and you can do them "last minute" do I know? Because I'm actually doing them THIS WEEK. Not made last month and posted with a "last minute" tag. I'm ACTUALLY doing them now. So I KNOW you can too.

Stay tuned for the rest of the week....and I'll show you a couple last minute things to make Thanksgiving more fun. (even if you don't think it's that fun to begin with....and then we are truly BFF's forever)

{ Wanna know the greatest and most awesome Thanksgiving I ever had?  The year I graduated from Mom took our family to Disney World.  We did EPCOT in the morning....and Tony Romas ribs and onion loaf for Thanksgiving dinner.  Now THAT was some amazing holiday spirit!  I GIVE THANKS for that stellar memory.  Best Thanksgiving......EVER.  Mickey, EPCOT, NO turkey, no weird Uncles, ribs...and Onion Loaf gas.  AH-MAZ-ING!! }

And now, to end this post of Turkey truth....

I will announce the winner of the SONSHINE DESIGNS giveaway.

And the winner is......


"That black and white polka dot apron is calling my name. Love it."

Congratulations Brooke!  I will get your e-mail address to Angie, and she can get in touch with you!

Don't forget Sonshine Designs for great gifts this holiday season.  A gift for your kids, or someone you love.  Or, heck....get a gift for yourself.   YOU DESERVE IT!

I'm off to clean up my basement. It's a requirement to clean up the Halloween pile....BEFORE I get out a Christmas one. (sometimes I'm WAAAY too honest about life around here.)


  1. I just want to say a couple of things. First; you are entitled to feel however you like about Thanksgiving or any other holiday, for that matter. And secondly (is that even a word?); if you don't like the traditional Thanksgiving make it how you like it. Last year Curt & I had Thanksgiving at home, just the two of us, and we had homemade brownies for dessert. There was no pie even present. I challenge you to make your own Thanksgiving. Good luck. ;)

  2. I don't like Turkey Day either. It's too much stress. I don't need to pick one day a year to be thankful, I am thankful everyday. We are going to Cracker Barrel for dinner and then watching "White Christmas". So good for you for saying it out loud, you are not alone!

  3. Growing up we always had steak and baked potatoes for Thanksgiving. But we always had pies...lots of pies. Cherry, apple, pumpkin (yuck), and pecan. I like pie...with lots of cool whip. That's my favorite part of Thanksgiving, cool whip. I could do without the people and the turkey.

  4. I am SO excited about this Thanksgiving. I really don't love the Thanksgiving meal usually, but this year our family is going out to dinner! I also dislike having to go & mindle with near strangers. Luckily, we have a very small Thanksgiving with just our immediate family. Good for you for letting that all out!!!

  5. Thanksgiving should be some other time of the year when nothing is going on... early Sept would be perfect. Then we could fall decor to Halloween decor then go from Halloween decor straight to X-mas. Doesn't this make more sense?!

    I can't do away with thanksgiving though, my mom makes a mean turkey day meal that I love, one of my fave meals of the year so I can't be a Turkey day hater. ;)

  6. I feel EXACTLY how you do about Thanksgiving. People give me weird looks when I tell them that I am not looking forward to this week.

    Another of my disliked Thanksgiving food: Cranberry Sauce. Yuck.

  7. We will be having a dear family over for the day. We will have steak and there will be a pie---apple!

  8. Christmas used to be my favorite Holiday, but somehow thanksgiving has moved in. I think it is because I am not being tossed around from family to family, I get the most days off of work, and it entails losts of shopping and pie! Luckily, we are SILs , so I we'll just have to figure out how to make this relationship work ;)

  9. I won!!! I can't believe it. Hooray for aprons and giveaways and your cute blog. Thank you so SO much.

    P.S. It's okay you don't like turkey, my husband doesn't like it either. Sometimes his family has pizza for Thanksgiving. So there you go. ;)

  10. I get a frozen cook out of the freezer turkey, frozen stuffing, add can gravy to the real stuff, cranberries from a can that comes out looking like the can, but I do my own potatoes. No one can tell the difference, unless they look in the trash outside at all the boxes and cans. Its delish, and not dry ;)

  11. Yet more reasons that we are supposed to be friends! I don't love Thanksgiving either. The food is not my fave (except I do like pumpkin pie; it's okay, we can still be friends). And the whole nap thing - drives me insane! Which must be why I married a man who LOVES naps. Waste of time....

    Christmas is the best, and it should last much longer.

    And don't feel bad. I didn't do a.single.Thanksgiving.idea/craft. Nope, not one. And haven't even given thought to a Christmas one. I think you're way ahead of me!

  12. PS - We went to Disneyland for Thanksgiving one year and had Thanksgiving dinner at the Corndog Castle. Perfect!

  13. This post just made me fall in love with you all over again! I think we are kindred spirits. I wholeheartally agree with both confessions! But I have never been brave enough to say so!! Ha ha. Love it.

  14. You crack me up! I'm with you on not being prepared. My Thanksgiving posts will probably be coming out over the next couple of days, LOL!

    I gave you an award today!

    Dare I say Happy Thanksgiving? Hope you have a happy healthy holiday. Enjoy getting out the Christmas decorations!


  15. Amen about the overly prepared bloggers. :0)I have so not even thought of Christmas crafts yet. I am blaming it on my baby because that's how I roll.


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**