February 24, 2011

Stranded: Jig Saw & Stacy

Welcome to another awesome installment of:

Today our "stranded" gal is the completely fantastic, Miss Stacy from Not JUST A Housewife. She is completely amazing. And I may have met her in person. And I may have a crush on her hair. And I MAY not accept responsibility if the following item disappears suddenly from her home. Just sayin'.

Hi! I am Stacy from Not JUST A Housewife. I am so excited to be here on less cake {more frosting}! Lara has got to be the cutest blogger ever :) I was more than happy to be apart of her new series. I didn't have a hard time narrowing down my favorite "crafting" items. I knew I would pick a power tool. But which one??? After much deliberation (and changing my mind a fair share of times) I picked my jigsaw. There are so many things I use it for but here is one example:

A super funky frame!

I had some scrap pieces of MDF left over from a counter top I made so I thought why not cut out a frame? I made a template out of paper.

I bought a dollar store frame to use as the back so I needed to trace the opening.

Then I traced the template on the MDF board. You could use any scrap of wood you have. If you don't have a scrap piece you can buy small boards at any home improvement store.

It is easier if you cut out the center first. I drill a hole in one of the corners so the blade of the jigsaw has a starting point.

After the center is cut go ahead and cut the shape of the frame out.

It will not be perfect but that is when the sandpaper comes into play. Sand down the edges to smooth everything out. This pictures is before I sanded. I forgot to take one of after.

I painted it a bright white. I always ALWAYS use foam brushes. You get a much smoother finish than with a bristle brush. Multiple thin coats are better than a couple thick coats. You can spray paint it as well.

I currently don't have a router or else I could have routed out a groove on the back for the glass and picture to set in. But a $1.00 frame from the craft store work great too. I just glued it onto the back.

In hind sight, I probably should have glued it before I painted. The gap would have been less noticeable. But I just painted along the seam and it was fine.

And there you go! I apologize for all the shadows. I was working with zero natural light here. But you get the idea :)

Thanks for including me in your fun new series Lara!!! And hop on over to my blog to see more projects I have done.

Post Ellie G Analysis:
  • Ummm....this is fabulous!
  • And thanks for including a non router idea.  I think that's way better for me.  Routers scare me.  I think I had a scary run in with one in Middle School shop class.
  • I'm gonna pretend I didn't spend at least 5 minutes focused on how we are going to get power to your power tools on our desert island. 

Less Cake{More Frosting}

Would you be interested in sharing your favorite creative necessities with the Less Cake {more frosting} readers?  I am planning on running this fun series for a few months, and would love to have people to share!  EMAIL-ME if you're interested!


  1. Ha! I was picturing a LOST kinda island where practically everything is possible and where Matthew Fox is there as well.

  2. SO CUTE! I need a jigsaw now! Thanks, Stacy, for enabling me. :)

  3. I love this frame! And, actually I think it's better without the router, using the $1 frame makes it pop out from the wall nicely! Fun tool Stacy, thanks for sharing.
    and for future reference, do we need to take into account the amenities afforded at our desert island before choosing our crafting "must have"? ;) 'Cuz if so, you better elaborate on exactly how much water/sun/sand etc exists.

  4. Cute! I look forward to having a garage soon so I have ready access to my husband's tools. =] I'm sure he's looking forward to *that* lol.

  5. I want one!! I need to get over my fear of power tools and make this!! Thanks for sharing with us!!
    Lara...I sent you an email!!!
    Have a great day!

  6. Wow! I'm going to have to go get me a jigsaw now. (Can someone please distract my husband while I go? He says I'm too dangerous with power tools....I cut part of my finger off once on a cheese grater.)

    I think I totally want to come be stranded on THIS island. You gals are going to have one awesomely decorated island paradise!

  7. Power tools scare the crap out of me! But I should learn how to use them, because my husband would be so proud....and his to-do list would get a lot shorter.

  8. love that! I could never cut that straight with a jigsaw, or any saw for that matter.

    I wonder if I have a jigsaw?
    Also... I wonder if my husband will go hide it if I ask him where it is?


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**