October 12, 2010

My Love Affair

I love things.

I love people too.

But sometimes I LOVE things more than I should.  And I kinda have a tendency to become obsessed.

This past few weeks, my obsessions have grown to epic proportions.  And I have fallen IN LOVE with some new things.

One of them, I mentioned HERE.   My new Silhouette Machine.  I've decided to name her "Scarlett".  Partly because I also LOVE Scarlett O'Hara, and I think that name is lovely.  And also because I always wanted a Scarlett O'Hara dress, and I doubt I'll ever get one.

A couple weeks ago, Silhouette released their Mac software.  Being a Mac gal.....that was the kicker to get me to pony up the dough for my very own machine.  SO THRILLED!

Now I'm in love.  And my mind is swimming with all the projects that Scarlett is going to help me make.  And I kind of want to stay up all night long to do projects.  Thank goodness that Scarlett reminds me that "tomorrow is another day."  And so I will just plug-along....making, and making.

You also know about how I LOVE all things Disney, right?  And how my family just took a lovely vacation to the Happiest Place on Earth?

Well, I was determined that Scarlett and my Disney obsession should meet.  And cooperate.

We decided to attend the Not-So-Scary-Halloween party at Disneyland while on our vacation.  (Not so scary....sounds right up my alley!!)

Originally we were all going to dress up for it.  But time and money and stress prohibited that from happening.  So I settled for making Halloween T-Shirts for everyone featuring Disney Villains.

I decided to try my hand at Freezer Paper Stenciling for the first time.

Haven't heard of it?

Oh dear!  You must!   (and you don't NEED a fancy cutter to do it.  Although it helped to do really intricate designs)

I was THRILLED because I knew that the uber talented Cheri over at I Am Momma-Hear Me Roar is the world's greatest expert on freezer paper stenciling.   I headed over there to get some tips.

Rather than give you 10,000 tips, may I just direct you to the amazing video tutorial that she made on this subject?  It was completely invaluable in getting me started on my first try.

I decided to buy a "dummy" T-shirt to try first.  Then, if I liked the outcome, I'd make the rest.  After all, one can never have too many Disney shirts....right?

This one is my homage to my girl, Alice.  We are sisters in all things nonsense.

I found a simplistic image of Alice, and then pulled it into Photoshop. I then removed all the background, and put a black overlay on her to turn her into a silhouette. I then pulled that silhouette into Illustrator and turned it into a vector image so that the Silhouette could cut her.

Another option would be to print out the silhouette on regular paper and then hand cut it with the freezer paper.

I also have learned that it's important to try on your T-Shirt and pin your image where you'd like it to be.  I promise.  If you eyeball it.....you'll guess wrong. It looks much different on a body. So try it on, and then pin your image where you'd like it.

Head over to Cheri's tutorial to get all the tips for the freezer paper painting. My most important one is to KEEP THE LITTLE PIECES! The letters and pictures will have tiny holes that you MUST have to make them look right. Don't lose them. (see that one in her arm?  It's teeny-tiny!)

Here's another great tip that I got from my super smart friend Jen. You can buy an additive to put in your paint that will turn it into "fabric paint." That way you're not confined to only "fabric paint" colors. It opens up the entire painting isle to you and your creations! GENIUS!! Jen uses one made by DecoArt. Mine was from Delta. And I will tell you that my shirt just came out of the washer & dryer...and looks FAB!!

I used a sparkly black paint for Alice and the black words. It looks amazing in person, but is hard to capture on camera. After it was dry, I did a scond layer of hot pink. It went on awesome!

Here's the final outcome!
I LOVE it! (Remember how I love THINGS?)

It has a smart 'lil Alice quote on it:
"I give myself very good advice,
But I very seldom follow it"
(thank you Alice....so TRUE!)

It definitely turned out well enough to embark on 8 Halloween T-Shirts for the party!
(PS....8 takes a wee bit longer than one...hello 3AM...just sayin')

I wore my shirt proudly in The Land of Disney. And I'm not opposed to showing you a photo....but there weren't any good ones of the shirt that day.

Tomorrow, however, I plan to share some of the Halloween shirts....and they're FAB!

So start thinking....

What can you paint on your clothes?

I have a feeling that we'll be buying a LOT of plain colored clothes this winter.
I'm obsessed now.
And in LOVE with another THING!

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Visit thecsiproject.com

Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap    up           party!

Get Your Craft On Tuesday




  1. Great job!!
    I also used Cheri's video tutorial...isn't it the best?!

    Can't wait to see more of your creations!

  2. Okay, when you said you were making t-shirts for Disneyland I pictured bright colored matching shirts with your last name on the back or something. That shirt is AWESOME!!!! Talk about freezer paper stenciling! Whew! You MORE than rocked it. I love it! You seriously rock.


  3. This is so cool. I'm super excited to try it!

  4. this is ADORABLE! From the colors to the placement to the quote... SO GREAT!

  5. Who needs to buy store bought clothes anymore? That is fantastic. I got my Silhoutte a few weeks ago, I need to name her. You answered one of my questions that I have not gotten to yet, you can put freezer paper in it? Great idea!

  6. Oh, I'm so jealous!!! There have been so many give-aways for the Silhouette...and I've entered every single one, and no luck. booooo. you did a great job with the t-shirt, it looks professional. so cute!

  7. I so want that machine!!!! I am saving up all my petty funds $ so I can get it! You and I am Momma are my favorite blogs!

  8. L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E it!! I was back tracking in order to make the "off with their heads" Halloween shirt but now I HAVE to make this one too. I will have to go the grass roots route since I still haven't made the plunge and bought the Silhouette. My neighbor is going to kill me when she finds out there is yet one more thing we HAVE to make before Halloween...hehehehe.

  9. wow! i will have to watch the video. you have me so curious now. your shirt looks wonderful. i love alice's silhouette. what a darling idea!
    thanks for sharing about the wax paper video. (i really don't know what it is all about, but so anxious to see it!)

    thanks for linking to the silhouette party! you have some of the best projects!


  10. great job...it turned out so very cute!

  11. Great tutorial!!!

    So, let me ask you to join in:

    Come link up your tutorial article on our website & our readers can find you also: http://www.finecraftguild.com/diy-tutorial-linky-party-16/

    We'd love to show your work,

    ps when you 'follow the rules' and create a link back from your website/article, you can easily find us again and come back week after week with new craft DIY tutorials.

  12. That's great! I've been wanting to try this. Great tip to try on the shirt first...

  13. great quote and a fabulous shirt! great job!

  14. love, love, love this!!! Come link up sometime to Handmade Tuesdays! It is a new linky I started with a tutorial :) www.ladybug-blessings.com

  15. How fun is this shirt!!! I love that you named your Silhouette!! I think mine needs a name... Hmm... :)


what 'cha gotta say about that? (make it nice, please!) **And if you have a question, make sure to get me your e-mail address...I'd love to answer you!!**